Choose how to respond to what life brings your way.

Therapy and workshops for adults and kids,
supporting you where you are right now.​

I learned that you can always just be calm even when your mind tells you, ‘I have to do this, I have to do that, I’m going to go crazy.’ When you get really anxious, you can just calm yourself down.
— A 6th Grader

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a form of therapy with a ton of research behind it for helping lessen symptoms of anxiety and depression, among other disorders.

We’ll use CBT to create a greater awareness of your patterns of thinking and your behaviors. Then we’ll work together to gently and patiently try out some new patterns that’ll increase life satisfaction.


Mindfulness and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) complement and enhance each other.

Mindfulness is present moment awareness, with curiosity and kindness. Learning to bring your attention back to the present moment, again and again, will allow you to better notice your thoughts. This, in turn, will allow you to thoughtfully respond to events happening around you and within you, and choose behaviors that work for you.

For Adults

Ebb & Flow Mental Health offers both individual therapy and workshops for adults struggling with anxiety, depression, life stress, and parenting challenges, so they can be calm & effective: adults in all stages of life, single parents and guardians, multigenerational households, divorced and blended families, and two-parent households.

For Teachers

Teachers wear an impressive (and bewildering at times) number of hats each day, whether they teach preschool, elementary, middle, or high school. Ebb & Flow Mental Health provides empirically-supported and classroom-ready strategies for managing teacher stress and supporting students socioemotionally.

For Students

Our students are experiencing unprecedented mental health challenges, so much anxiety and depression. Ebb & Flow Mental Health reaches students where they are, running research-based individual therapy and workshops to help children and adolescents manage life's challenges, from pre-K through high school.